About Us
Matrachhaya Hospital was started as a day care centre cum Clinic in year 2007 with 2 daycare beds. After 2 years of service 15 indoor beds were added and in 2010 one of the first dialysis unit of District Haridwar was started with 2 dialysis machines.
We are catering to Roorkee city and adjoining rural areas and have more then 50000 registered patients. We aim to provide personalised and ethical medical care.
In present era of consumerism where a doctor is seen as a service provider and patient as consumer, in the midst of dwindling faith, growing impatience in society we strive to be one amongst many who still see a patient as their God and provide care with utmost sincerity.
May almighty God and our faithful encouraging patients some of whom are with us since 2002 help and guide us and give us strength to walk this noble path.

We treat as we want to be treated.
Dr. Ajay Singh Panwar
Professional Journey
Completed MBBS from LLRM Medical College Meerut and Internship from SBD DistrictHospital Saharanpur and SVBP Hospital Meerut.
Completed MD In Internal Medicine from LLRM Medical College Meerut under guidance of Prof Dr K K Dwiwedi, Dr V K Goel, Dr T V S Arya and Dr G K Aneja
Worked as a Medical Specialist in Institute Hospital Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
2007 onwards
Started Matrachhaya Hospital and working full time here